..yaw yaw peeps~since i've lost my previous blogspot password for ages. So i decided to create another one,THIS IS IT!! TODAY IS ze DAY and today will be the GRAND OPENiNG DAY of this new bloggie!! *claps* *claps*
..btw pls re-link this blog http://www.mayonixdotcom.blogspot.com
..A new bloggie means a new start---it meants N0 M0RE ALiEN WORDS & BiG SMALL BiG SMALL W0RDS appear in this bloggie AGAiN!!
fyi, i used to be " da-famous-guru" of alien-tic words..so yeah~no more alien words!!
*remind me if u saw any appeared here..teehee~*
..but but but normal short forms are not avoidable, for eg: fyi / btw / otw & craps like that..So another main purpose of this opening blog is to info some non-english-ish-bloggers about those weird short forms ya'll gonna saw here, hope it's gonna be informative for ya'll.. C:
( pls forgive me if i had the wrong explanation of the words here.. )
here goes..
[1] fyi - for your info/infomation
[2] btw - by the way
[3] otw - on the way
[4] fml - f*ck my life
[5] Lmao - laugh my a*s off
[6] fos - (in this case, not factory outlet store) full of sh*ts
[7] xoxo - hugs & kisses (or the other way-kisses & hugs)
[8] uber - in my case, super it is..
[9] wtfg - believe me..its a bad word..dont make me say it here..(its what-the-f***-g*sh) xD
[1o] tha / ze - the
[11] pix - pictures
[12] tix - tickets
[13] tbc - to be continued
[14] (..i'm tired already..tbc..xoxo C: )
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