This will be a very very quick update in order to keep this bloggie alive..loll~
Yesterday night i only realised--its DECEMBER ALREADY!!! Time really flies like mad..and i'm getting older n' older..omfg..
Finished the last paper for business yday, idk is it a easy one or not (i don't dare to say--''easy'', cx whenever i said an exam is ''easy''..i might get worse results. shhhhh~) . 3 more freakin' papers to go for me then offffff the sturrrpid-freakin-wasting-my-time STPM go, can't wait until the day comes, can't wait can't wait!!!!
But then there's 2 more killer-paper before that--ACC0UNT!!! idk what the hyll happened to my brain when i was choosing subjects, i might had isomania or uber-not-enough-sleep that few days so that my eyes and brains can't function properly to get myself a more-human-brain-friendly subject. gahhhhhhhhh~FML!! i rather died than letting accounts killed me, so, kill me please. xC

Lotsa lotsa memories runs across the mind..the sweet ones and not to mention the bitter once. We met each other for like about--4 & 1/2 years already since our first 'met', a lot of thing happened between us, is like everything should happened on a couple - we called each other 'baby', talk on the phone everynight for like 5-6 freakin' hours, texted every single moment, stay together on recess, hang out at school basketball court almost everyday, know each other's friends...other than we didn't hold hands and 'so on'. Everyone knews we are 'together' BUT back then we didn't managed to overcome things that happened, so..apparently, we didn't get together.sad case huh?? C:
It may be said as the worst & saddest memory of all time, but but but the more u wana forget, the more u remembered. So just let it be. ♥
Ofcourse our memories will stay in my heart sayang~just like i always do. C:
stay♥tuned for the next update.
x o x o ♥
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